Sherpas / PvE
It’s dangerous to go alone!
Destiny provides an amazing world to explore, but sometimes challenges are too daunting to face without a guide. Strategic Unicorns provides free expert sherpa runs to guardians in need. We don’t do “carries”, instead, we help teach inexperienced guardians to accomplish their goals and feel confident in their knowledge of encounters and mechanics.
Whether in Raids, Grandmaster Nightfalls, special missions, etc. we can help in a no-judgement, mistakes-okay, ask-questions environment.
Our clan founder, Doodles is an expert sherpa with over 950 total D2 clears and hundreds more from D1. She has helped countless guardians achieve first time clears with ALL guardians playing an active role – you’ll never hear the words “just do ad clearing” from us!

Scrims / PvP
Our clan also has several exceptional PvP players that have helped both clan members and non-members to achieve some monumental tasks – like reaching the Lighthouse for the first time in Trials of Osiris and acheiving the “Unbroken” title. They do this while being kind, patient, and encouraging.
Our PvP focused clan members are always down to help with loadouts, current meta, weapon & armor mods, and to answer questions around strategy or to show someone new moves.
We as a clan also run the occassional crucible scrims, both as a fun way to practice for clan members and also a fun way to engage with other clans. Think your clan has what it takes to beat us? Drop us a message 🙂